
THE GSNC V - JUNE 8th, 2024 

THE CORONA CUP 3.0 - May 15, 2021

1st. John & Pifer (+1) 65

2nd. Sam & Santos (+2) 66



Team Bink - 34
Team Beeper - 16



On Nov. 1st we held the FIRST Turkey Bowl Combine. We were happy to hold the drills we did on this frigid Sunday. Big thanks to everyone involved with this event!

Film: Bri Klooster


GIN PROS. 2020

THE First Corona Challenge Final Standings
1. Marciszewski & Montpas (-4)
2. Brown & Householder (-2)
3. Donley & Conn (E)
4. J. Binkowski & Hook (+1)
T5. Arca & Desotelle (+2)
T5. Jager & Dickey (+2)
7. Haltam & Kribs (+3)
8. P. Binkowski & Soboleski/Minarik (+5)
T9. Steinborn Bros. (+7)
T9. Raatz & Nevins (+7)
T9. Stilwell & Capuchina (+7)
12. Kramer Bros. (+10)
13. Santos & Guerrant (+11)
14. S. Binkowski & Bryan (+12)
15. Taboda & Conklin (+20)
16. Berlanga & Stafford (+22)
17. Schwieman & Moore (+23)
18. Stone & Pifer (+28)
19. Broughton Bros. (+30)

OCT. 14, 2020

THE Corona Cup 2.0; took place Sunday, October 4th 2020, at Brookshire Inn & Golf Club, in Williamston, MI.

Official Scores

1st - John J. II & Cam Hook (+2) 74

2nd - Derek Black & Tony Minarik (+10) 82

3rd - Nick Moore & Kris Schwieman (+22) 94

4th - Tony Bryan & Sam Binkowski (+27) 99

SEPT. 13, 2020

Final Results - Corona Cup

John J. II & Michael Pifer (73) thru 19 holes F/SD

Tony Bryan & Samuel Binkowski (74)